
Driving sustainability transitions within academia, industry and civil society.


The E4S Activation Pillar is dedicated to fostering impactful collaborations between academia, industry, and civil society to accelerate the transition toward a sustainable economy.

Our Focus Areas

  • Identifying Key Trends and Opportunities
    We spotlight emerging sustainability topics and high-potential projects within the UNIL, IMD, and EPFL networks. This is enabled by initiatives like:

    • The Sustainability Portal: A digital hub connecting over 500 academic members working on sustainability research and innovation projects.
    • Community Meetups: Dynamic events designed to gather the academic community and build connections over a key sustainability topic.


  • Ecosystem Activation
    We cultivate partnerships and collaborations across sectors and disciplines through innovative formats, such as:

    • Showcase: A full-day flagship event fostering dialogue and cross-sector connections.
    • Action Labs: A series of hands-on workshops bringing together experts from various areas to co-create innovative solutions to shared challenges.

By bridging research and practice the E4S Activation Pillar fosters the launch of new initiatives.

Highlighted Projects

Showcase 2030

Showcase 2030 is E4S’ event gathering the actors of the Swiss sustainable innovation ecosystem

Sustainability Portal

The Sustainability Portal maps the projects and people working to solve pressing social and environmental challenges across the UNIL, IMD and EPFL.


Servetia is an initiative dedicated to accelerating clean and energy-efficient solutions in Switzerland through the exploration of the pay-per-use model.

Action Labs

Building multi-stakeholder collaborations to advance the sustainability agenda

Meet-up events

Connect, engage and exchange with academic experts