Marius Brülhart
Professor, HEC-UNIL
The E4S Center is composed of over 100 mission-driven staff, researchers and faculty from all three institutions, committed to driving the transition to a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive economy.
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Research assistant, HEC-UNIL
Research Fellow in Healthcare Management and Economics, IMD
Senior Researcher, HEC-UNIL
Professor of Digital Strategy, IMD
Scientific and Executive Director of the Expertise Center for Climate Extremes (ECCE), UNIL
Research Assistant
PhD Student & Project Manager MENU-CH-Kids, Unisanté
Full professor of Finance, EPFL
Senior researcher, Unisanté
Lecturer in Food Sociology, BFH-HAFL
Research Associate for Consumer Behavior, BFH-HAFL
PhD Student, Unisanté
Head of Sustainable Finance & Quantitative Methods, Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
Associate Professor of Health Economics, Unisanté
Chief Physician and Full Professor, Unisanté
Professor and Director, Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
Scientific Collaborator, CCRS Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
Scientific Collaborator, EPFL
Research Assistant, Center for Corporate Responsability and Sustainability
PhD Student, Unisanté
PhD Candidate, University of Bern
PhD Student, EPFL
Head of Just Economies and Human Well-being Impact Area, University of Bern
PhD Candidate in Health Economics, Unisanté
Head of Sustainable Impact and Inclusive Development, Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability
Scientific collaborator, BFH-HAFL
Professor of Consumer Behavior, BFH-HAFL
Research Fellow, Unisanté
Research Scientist, Persuasive Tech Lab, HEC-UNIL
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Master Student, EPFL
Professor of Finance, IMD
Postdoctoral Researcher, EPFL Valais Wallis
Associate Professor
Research Scientist
Assistant Professor, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics, UNIL
Lecturer, EPFL
Ph.D. Candidate, HEC-UNIL
Professor of Social Entrepreneurship, IMD
Research Fellow, Laboratory for Conservation Biology, Department of Ecology and Evolution, UNIL
Laboratory for Conservation Biology, Department of Ecology and Evolution, UNIL
Senior Research Writer, Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business, IMD
Professor of Sustainable Innovation at IMD
Head of Sustainability Research, Lombard Odier Investment Managers
Circular Economy and Material Manager, Lombard Odier Investment Managers
Product Manager Data & AI Products, CARIAD
Founder and Partner, Id Est Avocats
Researche, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich
PhD Candidate, Max Planck Institute for Human Development
Data Scientist, EPFL
Senior Scientist, EPFL
Assistant Professor, EPFL
Senior Scientist, EPFL
Water Sciences Scientist, EPFL
Assistant professor and head of the Soil Biogeochemistry Laboratory, EPFL
Associate Director | elea Center for Social Innovation
Professor of Social Innovation and Dean of the IMD EMBA program, IMD
Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder at OriginAll SA
Professor and Thought Leader in Transformation, IMD
Professor of Marketing and Founder of the Swiss Center for Luxury Research, HEC-UNIL
Managing Director, HEC-UNIL
Managing Director, IMD
Managing Director, EPFL
Honorary Director, E4S
Head of Operations
Head, Strategic Projects & Partnerships
Financial Manager
Administrative Assistant
E4S Master Program Deputy
Projects Coordinator & Research Fellow, UNIL & EPFL
Projects Lead
ESG Analyst, Fondation Ethos
PhD Candidate, University of Basel
Associate Professor, UNIL
Professor, UNIL
Professor, IMD
Post-Doc, EPFL
Assistant Professor, EPFL
Adjoint Assemblée de la Transition UNIL
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Director, EssentialTech, EPFL
Professor, EPFL
Senior Researcher, UZH
Professor, UNIL
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Assistant Professor, HEC-UNIL
Professor, EPFL
Senior Researcher, ZHAW
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Professor, EPFL
Professor, IMD
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Professor, EPFL
Directrice, Ipso Facto S.A.
Scientific Collaborator
Principal Investigator True Cost of Food Project, UNIL
Associate Professor, UNIL
PHD Student and Research Assistant, UNIL
E4S Research Assistant
E4S Research Assistant
Professor, EPFL
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Assistant Professor, Alliance Manchester Business School
Professor of Strategy, IMD
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Sustainability Research Fellow, IMD
Deputy General Manager, BIS
Head of the Economic Analysis, BIS
Scientific Collaborator, HEC-UNIL
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Lecturer, EPFL
Professor, UNIL
Co-Lead Innovation
Head of Communications
Communications and Events Manager
Event Coordinator
Scientific Collaborator, HEC-UNIL
Scientific Collaborator, EPFL
Scientific Collaborator, IMD
Scientific Collaborator, HEC-UNIL
Scientific Collaborator, HEC-UNIL
Scientific Collaborator, HEC-UNIL
Postdoctoral Researcher, CReAM-UCL
PHD Candidate, UNIL
Assistant Professor, HEC-UNIL
Scientific Collaborator, EPFL
Scientific Assistant
Scientific Collaborator, EPFL
Directeur adjoint, Centre de compétences en durabilité (CCD)
Assistant Professor, University of Vienna
Associate Professor in Environmental Economics, EPFL
Researcher, EPFL
Professor, HEC-UNIL
Professor of Strategy, IMD
Professor of Operations Research, HEC-UNIL
Lecturer, L’IDIAP Laboratory
Adjunct Professor, L’IDIAP Laboratory
Professor, IMD
Associate Professor, Chair of Business Analytics, EPFL
Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, IMD
Scientific Collaborator, HEC-UNIL
Full professor of Organizational Behavior and Dean of HEC-UNIL