Automatic Detection of Leadership from Voice and Body

Innovation – Work & leadership, Data & AI

Whether facing dire and urgent crises at national level or leading an organization toward success, political and organizational leadership shapes our society. For instance, leadership might determine how a country can successfully face a great health issue (e.g., COVID19 pandemic). Leadership issues need to be tackled for our society to strive. These challenges are however complex. We need to determine and foster leadership skills as well as determine its impact on society.

The purpose of this platform is twofold. First, we will develop tools based on new technologies (i.e., AI and virtual reality) for assessing and developing leadership. We will conduct research with respect to new technologies related to leadership, as well as showcase our developments and empirical results for the corporate world (e.g., writing white papers, organizing symposia and conferences). Second, we will initiate research on the impact of leadership on crisis management.

From leadership assessment to the impact of leadership on society, including leadership training tools, this platform adopts an interdisciplinary approach by including experts in leadership, behaviors, engineering, and economics. This platform aims at offering a better understanding of leadership and practical solutions to leaders.