Unveiling the nine research projects supported by E4S in 2024


We are glad to announce the research projects that have been awarded an E4S grant in 2024.  Each year, the Enterprise for Society Center (E4S) extends invitations to researchers from our three founding institutions – UNIL, IMD, and EPFL – to submit proposals that align with the Center’s strategy.

This year, the following projects have received support from E4S in recognition of their contribution to the mission of our Center: transitioning to a more sustainable and resilient economy within planetary boundaries.

These projects represent a diverse array of research topics, all of which hold the potential to drive meaningful change in our society and economy. From exploring the impact of climate change on agriculture to the analysis of wealth distribution and privacy concerns in technology, each project embodies the spirit of innovation and collaboration that defines our Center.

We extend our congratulations to the academic staff behind these projects and express our gratitude for their dedication to advancing our mission.

We invite you to discover more about E4S research here and discover the new projects below.

The new research projects

Towards digitalization for sustainable and resilient agriculture: climate change impacts on agricultural suitability in Switzerland

by Sara Bonetti, Assistant Professor and Head of the Catchment Hydrology and Geomorphology Laboratory at EPFL; Nadav Peleg, Assistant Professor and Lead at the Hydrometereology and Surface Processes research group at UNIL, and Francesca Bassani, Postdoctoral Researcher, EPFL Valais Wallis.

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The distribution of wealth, inheritance and inter-vivos gifts in Switzerland

by Marius Brülhart, Professor of Economics at HEC-UNIL; Andreas Fuster, Associate Professor of Finance at Swiss Finance Institute at EPFL, and Falone Moseka, Scientific Assistant at HEC-UNIL.

Security and privacy with second-hand electronic devices

by Kévin Huguenin, Professor and Head of the Information Security and Privacy (ISP) Lab at UNIL, and Oyku Isik, Professor of Digital Strategy and Cybersecurity at IMD.

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Assessment of pluvial flood-related physical climate risk in Lausanne

by Erwan Koch, Director of the Expertise Center for Climate Extremes (ECCE); Alexis Berne, Associate Professor, Environmental Teledetection Lab at EPFL; Hansjörg Albrecher, Professor of Actuarial Science at HEC_UNIL and ECCE; Valérie Chavez, Professor of Statistics at HEC-UNIL and ECCE; Urs Germann, Head of Radar, Satellite and Nowcasting Division at MeteoSwiss; Eric Jondeau, Professor of Finance at HEC-UNIL; Laurent Marescot, Senior Director Markets and Products at Moody’s RMS; Gregoire Mariethoz, Professor at Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics, UNIL and ECCE; Nadav Peleg, Professor at UNIL and ECCE; Marc Wüest, Responsible for Internal Natural Catastrophe Models and Financial Module at Swiss Re.

Leveraging data from a tertiary medical institution to understand the relationship between preventive care and lifetime healthcare costs in patients with obesity: a project to inform regulators, insurance companies, and hospitals

by José Parra- Moyano, Professor of Digital Strategy at IMD; Pascal St-Amour, Professor of Economics at HEC-UNIL; Christoph Settler, Professor of Endocrinology and Diabetes at the University of Bern; Markus Laimer, Head of Diabetes Unit at the University Hospital of Bern; Lia Bally, Professor of Nutrition and Metabolism at the University of bern; David Herzig, Senior Researcher at the Department for Biomedical Research at the University of Bern.

Towards a nature-positive, actionable, and measurable framework for voluntary biodiversity credits

by Dr. Julia Binder, Executive Director, Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business; Adrian Dellecker, Senior Research Writer, Center for Sustainable and Inclusive Business; Prof. Luca Fumagalli, Group Leader & Lecturer, Laboratory for Conservation Biology, Department of Ecology and Evolution; Dr. PJ Stephenson, Research Fellow, Laboratory for Conservation Biology, Department of Ecology and Evolution.

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Interorganizational partnerships for sustainability (ip4s): the interplay of goals, funding sources, interaction practices, and outcomes

by Xavier Castañer, Professor of Strategy at UNIL; Michaël Aklin, Associate Professor, Chair of Policy and Sustainability at EPFL; Güldem Karamustafa-Köse, Scientific Collaborator at EPFL.

Scenario modelling of the carbon fiber industry in the transition to net zero 2050

by Dr. Martyn. D. Wakeman, Researcher at EPFL; Dr. Yves Leterrier, Lecturer at EPFL; Veronique Michaud, Professor and Director of the Laboratory for processing of Advanced Composites at EPFL; Karl Schmedders, professor of Finance at IMD; Reyhaneh Ramezani, Master Student at EPFL.

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Corporate social performance: adapt and adopt an innovative accounting framework

by Sophie Bacq, Professor of Social Entrepreneurship at IMD; Gaia Melloni, Assistant Professor in Accounting at HEC-UNIL; Arianna Pisciella, PHD Candidate in Management at HEC-UNIL.

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