Action Labs

Building multi-stakeholder collaborations to advance the sustainability agenda.

What are Action Labs?

Action Labs are E4S multi-stakeholder platforms that bring leading actors from academia, key industrial sectors, the government, and civil society together to build pathways for a sustainable future. 

Building spaces for dialogue and exchange across different sectors of society is at the heart of E4S’ mission. Thanks to Action Labs, we have been able to boost cross-sector partnerships and allow collaborations across key topics to advance the sustainability agenda. Discover our past Action Labs in the section below. 

Action Lab on Wellbeing

On October 10, 2024, E4S hosted an EXPLORE Action Lab session in the context of which particpants discussed co-benefits of human and environmental well-being at different roundtables.

Action Lab on Nature Valuation

As part of the Building Bridges conference, Enterprise for Society (E4S), together with NatureFinance (NF), hosted a workshop entitled ‘A new era of performance measurement: Reconciling diverging perspectives on nature valuation’.

Action Lab on the Future of Sustainable Finance

Following a meetup with our academic community in Lausanne, we will host an Action Lab on the Future of Sustainable Finance in 2025. In times of macropolitical uncertainties and an increasingly complex regulatory context, it is essential that we join forces to fight harmful financial flows, support transition finance and advance impact investments to facilitate the resource allocation for climate, nature and SDG goals.

Action Lab on The Future of Impact Measurement in the Era of Mandatory Sustainability Reporting

Throughout 2024, E4S hosted an Action Lab to shed light on the challenges and opportunities around mandatory sustainability reporting.

Ascending stairs of rising staircase in empty green room

Action Lab on Green Bonds

In September 2022 and October 2023, E4S organized two Action Lab sessions on green bonds to identify the barriers to the growth of the Swiss green bond market.

Action Lab on the True Cost of Food

In October 2022 and August 2023, we gathered the actors of the Swiss food ecosystem to discuss the impact of including negative and positive externalities in the final price of food.

Stay in touch

Do you want to receive informaton about our upcoming events and Action Labs? Write us at vasb@r4f.pragre and sign-up for our newsletter.

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