2022-2024 Transformative Projects

Through Transformative Projects, SMT Master students solve applied, real-life interdisciplinary issues in the fields of technology, management, and sustainability

Discover the Transformative Projects created by the 2022-2024 cohort of students:

An important part of the MSc in Sustainable Management and Technology is the completion of Transformative Projects. Teams of 3-4 students from different disciplines work together on a topic provided by a company with the objective to propose new perspectives or solutions that can have the potential to transform industry or societal practices. 

For the fall semester 2023, our partners proposed the below topics: our students will have to work on sustainable and viable solutions that will be presented to the partner organizations at the beginning of 2024.

Aeler Technologies: Business model for CO2 savings and scale-up funding strategies

Bloom Biorenewables: CO2 avoidance and sequestration: how Certified Emission Reduction (CER) credits can transform the business model

Cartier: Alternatives to leather in the luxury industry

Swiss Post: GreenLoop – Developing a new reverse logistics offer to support the circular economy

Logitech: Business model innovation for high-tech consumer goods

Lombard Odier: Design a fund for climate adaptation

Richemont: Zero waste manufacture

sanu durabilitas: “ça Vaud l’retour” Pilot project for a glass bottle reuse ecosystem

UBS: Decarbonization in the agriculture sector in Switzerland

Transformative Projects' Lead

Samuel Wicki

Projects Lead